What matters is this series continues to be a pleasant surprise in an age where great action movies are too few and far between.

Even if the dialogue can be clunky and the performances are over the top, it doesn't really matter. Isn't it about time people leave this guy alone? Overall, John Wick: Chapter 2 promised visceral action (all impressively in camera- yeah, I'm looking at you Resident Evil) and we got just that. The rest of the movie is Wick delivering killing blows to just about anyone who stands in his way in the most creative ways possible. Wick doesn't want to come back, he owes a debt and is forced to return for one more kill, and then the bounty on his head reaches just about everyone linked to The Continental's database. Taking the famous Liam Neeson line "I will kill you" to a whole new level, Wick claims "I will kill them all". It's that balance that so few films can accomplish to this particular level. But at the same time, the films are incredibly grounded with reality. Yes, it's present day, but the world that surrounds Wick is heightened to make for more exciting action (it's essentially a world full of super assassins).

The one thing that has always struck me as appealing in this series is the way they portray the world Wick lives in. I don't think the filmmakers truly could have imagined this would be a franchise off the bat, but it's sure shaping up to be quite the intriguing universe. If the first film was about him coming back to seek revenge, this film is Wick reluctantly coming back because he owes a debt to another assassin. Chapter 2 picks up not too long after the first film ends as Wick is somewhat enjoying his life as a "retired" assassin. You go to see Keanu Reeves kick some butt amidst some of the best choreographed action in cinema. Sure, John Wick could be a better franchise if the scripts were of the same caliber as say a Bond or a Bourne movie, but that's not really why you go see one of these movies. There's no more than a few pages of total spoken dialogue throughout 'Chapter 2', and Reeves has probably a maximum of 30 lines, all of which aren't necessarily delivered as well as they should be.

But he's no doubt one of the most committed actors out there. Keanu Reeves isn't one of the best actors working today, and I don't think he would disagree with that statement. But it knows exactly what it wants to do, and succeeds immensely. A film with more head-shots than words spoken, John Wick: Chapter 2 is just about the most violent film I've seen in quite some time.